Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why "Last Thursdayism" Fails - A Comment From a Redditor

How do you counter the "biblical worldview" card when it is played by Christians? : TrueAtheism
Let's suppose that God created everything, including all of my memories of life before that time, last Thursday. If He did a perfect job, I'll never be able to tell. But what people arguing about this miss is that I don't have to be able to tell. As long as the illusion of age is perfect, behaving as if it's true will never lead me into error!
I'm just leaving out the middle part of the statement "the planet is exactly as if were 4.72 billion years old" as not contributing anything useful.
What we're making from the evidence is not stories, but predictions. The explanation is only a useful mental tool for getting to what's important: accurate predictions of the future.
Epidemiologists and oncologists and biologists use the theory of evolution every day to make predictions about what will happen in particular situations. And as long as the theory keeps making accurate predictions, they'd be stupid to give it up.
If a young earth, or separate creation makes the slightest difference at all to what those predictions should be, to what we will observe in the rest of our lives, then let's explore the differences and resolve the dispute. But so far every attempt by creationists to come up with a theory that's different in any detail from the modern evolutionary synthesis, but still consistent with observed reality, it's been an embarrassing failure.

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